Saturday, April 15, 2017


It's been long time not writing in here. Well, no one will care unless my self. My post this time regarding "I am writing because no one is listening". Yet, do remember my fellow, Allah always listening.

Me, as myself I love listening to others life story, (and I'm best listener I guess) because through someone story there is something we can learn. Even though I'm not really like to sharing my story to public yet, I'm open book, I could tell about life story for hours, but who would listen?? Even my mak will tell me to stop telling everything.

I don't many friends because I guess love being alone (alone is dangerous), I'm enjoying every me-time and I used to write everything through blog and Twitter (actually I deleted my Twitter last year). However, it's not good for us to much "mengadu-domba" on social network. No one will care about your problem.

P/S: Whenever got problem, list down all problem and how to solve it. If want to speak or telling anything think first.

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